My journey to biodynamics

oI have entered many roles in my life. The role of a girl, a daughter, a sister, a student, a wife, a mother, a working woman, a volunteer, a translator and many other roles in my personal or professional life, as it happens. All the while, however, my desire to be a human being first and foremost permeates all these roles. And gradually, also thanks to my children, I needed to come to terms with myself first and foremost. But what forces you the most is motherhood. It puts you in a situation where everything comes out, usually in full view, and you just stare in surprise at who you are.
There are many paths....his led through self-discovery...I first searched my mind. Thanks to Petra Polokova (2011/2012) I sorted out my thinking and experiencing and became aware of which patterns of my parents controlled me and how this manifested in my daily life. Other paths led me through the school of the excellent psychotherapist Pavel Špatenka, MD, a lover of C.G. Jung, who led me to become aware of the unconscious content of my mind, to be more mindful and attentive, through a combination of interpretation of theory, body work and training in meditation.
However, due to my son's mental illness, I was forced to seek help for myself, and this was regular craniosacral therapy, where I further deepened my inner work and awareness of body processes and their connection to mental states and emotions. This was followed by my enthusiasm for this work and the decision to pursue this method more. At that time I chose to study under the prestigious Swiss Institute ICSB (, founded by Bhadrena Tschumi and together with Kavi Gemin they teach this approach all over the world, especially in the Czech Republic, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Taiwan etc.). After 3,5 years of training I received the title of BCST (Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist). I am further developing this approach and am now also studying trauma. In addition to the craniosacral approach, I have also completed intensive reflexology courses with Eva Marie Horakova (, focusing on the musculoskeletal and internal systems.In November 2023 I would like to deepen my knowledge of Bach flower essences on a certified course with Lucie Marešová ( I have been using these essences for years, but this time I would like to introduce them to my clients.
2023 Marcela Lobos, 13 měsíců moudrosti (5-týdenní kurz šamanky z Chile)
2019-2022 Výcvik v kraniosakrální biodynamické terapii, ICSB International Institute for Craniosacral Balancing (, získání mezinárodního titulu BCST
Reflexní terapie nohy I, II - Eva Marie Horáková: Reflexní masáž chodidla I (pohybový systém těla), Reflexní masáž chodidla II (vnitřní systémy těla)
2020 Škola reflexní terapie manželů Patakyových (
2015-2016 kurz “Grál posvátného ženství I, II” pod vedením Karaimi (Kateřiny Motyčkové)
2014-2015 Škola sebepoznání Pavla Špatenky (
2011-2012 Škola sebepoznání Petry Polokové (
2003 Zahraniční stáž, studium Sociální politiky, Falun, Dalarna University (
1998-2004 Univerzita Karlova, FSV, magisterský obor mezinárodní vztahy-politologie (